Best Tips on Growing Email Lists via Offline Efforts

We’re pleased to have Emily Goodstein, Online Media Strategist, share her best tips on growing your email lists via offline efforts, in this podcast.

Developing your nonprofit’s email list is crucial.  Even if your organization finds many donors are direct mail only, research has found that those constituents who are contacted through multiple channels tend to give more-so, isn’t that a good reason to build it up?

Moreover, your organization undoubtedly holds some type of in-person event, or canvasses the streets, or gets involved at community events.  What better way to develop a relationship with interested, potential donors than to keep in touch via email?

Drawing upon her years working with nonprofit organizations, Emily sheds light on some easy to implement ways to get those people you have met in real life (i.e., “offline”) to be part of your online community- and become stronger donors.  Take a listen and let us know your thoughts!

  • Christy Qualle

    I am a little behind here, but I love the suggestion of sharing photos from your event by email to encourage email sign-ups. Great tips for any nonprofit.