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3 Ways to Enliven Your Nonprofit Cause Marketing with GoPro

Over the last several years, the world has watched riveting human encounters with lions and sharks, and seen amazing accidents and adventures on cliffs and in outer space with an up-close perspective never seen before…all thanks to the magic of GoPro.

Can nonprofit cause marketing ever be THAT awesome? The answer is- YES

GoPro’s cutting edge camera line is extremely affordable, easy to mount, and built for adventure. With so much flexibility, it is the perfect compliment to your nonprofit marketing efforts! The GoPro slogan is “Capture + Share Your World” so I want to propose 3 easy ideas for how you can capture + share your cause!

Let’s take a look at fundraising and cause marketing with a new lens, and give our constituents and the world a whole new perspective!

1. Awareness Building

Idea: Record highlights from your latest event, mission, or success story, and then share on newsletters, your website, or on social media pages.

Goal: By sharing your latest activity, constituents will see your organization as an actively engaged nonprofit that is taking steps to help the cause you’re passionate about. This will also give you loads of fresh, relevant content to keep your constituents interested.

Example 1: Humane Society –Use GoPro to show volunteers playing with new animals that have come to the shelter, or even feature a “New Friend of the Month” and include new shelter animal videos in e-newsletters.

Example 2: International Ministry — Bring a GoPro on your next international missions trip and record gatherings, faith-encounters, and outreach events.

2. Volunteer Onboarding

Idea: Attach a GoPro camera to a volunteer for a day to show behind-the-scenes work and detailed videos of tasks that a potential volunteer would be completing. Edit and share the video on the Volunteers page on your website and use it in volunteer recruitment outreach! Speaking of volunteer recruitment- here are tips on getting them to open your emails!

Goal: This shows potential volunteers a preview of their duties, and can assist in showing them how to handle certain tasks and situations. This also reduces the amount of time your staff has to spend physically training new volunteers.

Example 1: Retired Race Horse Rescue –Show volunteers feeding and caring for horses. While volunteers obviously should still see an actual demonstration of these methods, previewing these tasks with a video will reduce the amount of time staff will have to spend explaining the jobs.

Example 2: Food Bank- So many different volunteers come in and out of food banks and homeless missions. Having a short interactive video that shows how to get the work done would speed up training for all the brand new volunteers.

3. Promote Advocacy

Idea: Show before and after video of work your organization has accomplished. Create time lapses that showcase an event, from preparation to execution to take down, all from a bird’s eye view. With GoPro mounting capabilities, you’re only limited by your imagination.

Goal: Show the world the work your supporters are doing or share how change is being accomplished. Videos compel supporters to join the fight!

Example 1: Park Conservation- Show time-lapse starting with a littered park and let GoPro capture your team revitalizing the area. Use mounting accessories to mount the GoPro to a tree, bench, or pole. This could be a lengthy video, so use the time-lapse feature on GoPro’s free software to move quickly through frames.

Example 2: Political- Record political supporters at rallys and on the road, interview them, and record unique perspectives of events as they unfold. Upload them to social media, tag the participants and let the sharing begin.


Just to recap, here are all the ways you can publish your GoPro videos, right from the GoPro App!

  • Social media updates –Wi-Fi allows immediate upload
  • Share in emails to potential donors
  • Thank-you emails to current donors
  • E-Newsletters
  • Promote upcoming events
  • Create a YouTube Channel of videos
  • Add to website pages

What are your ideas for using GoPro for your cause? Share in the comment box below!

Going to AFP Fundraising Conference in Baltimore? Stop by the DonorPro booth #506 for a chance to win a FREE GoPro!

About the Author: Dan Quirk  is a Marketing Specialist at DonorPro, the premier provider of nonprofit donor management and fundraising software. He is a regular contributor to DonorPro’s blog, Fundraising Pulse.

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