Millennial Blogger

Why every nonprofit should be proficient in mobile and tablet technology

Tablet responsive web design

As Third Sector Today’s self-proclaimed Millennial blogger, I automatically find myself immersed in the world of technology. It’s something that I naturally gravitate to and I find myself constantly craving it.


Last year, I joined the iPad family. Up until that point, I didn’t quite understand the value of a tablet. I found them bulky and excessive. But now, I go everywhere with my tablet in my bag and I find it essential to so many parts of my life.


In 2012, according to Pew Research, only 18 percent of adults were using tablets, but in 2013, the number grew to 34 percent. If trends keep moving in this direction – and if holiday sales keep making tablets more and more affordable and obtainable – mobile web usage will surely surpass desktop and laptop web usage.


It’s important that your organization makes the move into the tabletsphere sooner rather than later. Whether you’re a Mac or a PC user, there’s a tablet for you. Here are just a few reasons why you should introduce tablet technology to your group:


1.    You’ll save money on printing. Reduce your carbon footprint and save a few trees with a tablet. With applications that let you open .pdf’s, edit documents created in Microsoft Office and share, present and enhance
2.    You’ll be mobile. With wireless clouds popping up virtually everywhere, you can be connected to your email, social media, web page, blog, bank account and photo stream any time.
3.    You’ll be able to see your organization from all views. With 61 percent of American adults using smartphones, most of us have access to the mobile web on the face of a smartphone. But add a few inches to the area of your screen, and you could have a totally different look. It’s important to view your organization’s collateral, web presence and fundraising platform on every technology available. You want to be sure that you’re reaching each audience consistently – and of course you want to make sure your fundraising platform works properly across all technology so you don’t miss an opportunity.
4.    Let’s face it – you’ll look really, really cool. Tablets are exciting and engaging. They’re fun to play with and make you look sophisticated and tech savvy.


Not sure which tablet is for you? While the ads on this page make it look kind of crazy, the quiz is pretty on point. Check it out.


Also – check out  this article about the growth in mobile web and what actions you should take to prepare your organization.