Instagram a valid resource for any brand

Nonprofits might want to hop on the Instagram wagon- if not taking the ride already: social media engagement on Instagram is reported to be 15 times that of Facebook. Another social media channel to monitor? Worry not: Here are some tips!


Millennial Blogger

Why every nonprofit should be proficient in mobile and tablet technology

As Third Sector Today’s self-proclaimed Millennial blogger, I automatically find myself immersed in the world of technology. It’s something that I naturally gravitate to and I find myself constantly craving it.   Last year, I joined the iPad family. Up until that point, I didn’t quite understand the value of a tablet. I found them […]


Pew: Internet via Cell Up

Is your organization’s site and online strategy taking this information into account? In other words, is your site designed to be responsive or at least optimized for mobile? Are your emails and forms set up to be read and completed via a mobile phone? If not, that should be priority number one.


Do You Really Need a Website?

You have a website, right? Chances are that the website is your first impression to tons of potential donors. But Social Networking is the way to keep “top of mind” with the very same folks after they leave. In case you haven’t checked lately: 72% of online adults are on social networking sites. So that means that if you care about adults who are online…and if you have a website, and I’m pretty sure that you do!…
