Celebrating through Service

Dr. King Monument DC

Image: whitehouse.org

Dr. King stands as a real life example of selfless service and has become an icon of freedom and giving. The enormous memorial in Washington, DC, representative of the impact he has had on our society.

Today, the day set aside to remember his life and how it has impacted each of ours, everyone is encouraged to remember him through the act of service.  “Make it a Day of Service, Not a Day Off,” suggests the MLK Day site provided by the US Government.

Now, you have already dedicated your life to service! But it’s so important to continue to spread the word to your advocates, employees, volunteers, friends and family.  So here’s what you might consider doing today:

Share the teachings of Dr. King:

The site is filled with video footage (including the video in the right margin of our home page) and stories about Dr. King and his legacy. You will also find a multitude of resources for anyone from an individual seeking a project (Search tool helps one find projects in a specific area) to the head of a nonprofit group, with tools to help promote your projects and gain exposure to help you complete your projects.

Share an easy way for others to get involved:

You know that, often, people want to help they just don’t know how. Well, this site includes widgets that are easily incorporated into your site: I just added the MLK Day Project Search Widget onto our home page in a matter of seconds. (Powered by Allforgood.org)   Now, someone can enter their zip code and find a variety of existing projects in which they can be involved. Now is a great time to ensure that your group is included next year!


Promote your work and its people:

This site includes a variety of tools that are designed to help you get more media attention for your events.  Everything from templates for press releases to media talking points-and in-between.

We’d love to hear your suggestions and the ways your group honored Dr. King. Please comment, below!