You don’t have to spend a lot of money to be sincere in thanking donors. It really is the thought that counts. Many low-cost methods of saying “Thanks!” are available online.
Yes, handwritten notes and phone calls are classic and always a great idea. And candy, flowers, and a great bottle of wine are almost never inappropriate. You can also consider adding some digital ways to keep your “thank yous” fresh and engaging.
The Nonprofit Times compiled a list of 11 Ways to Thank Donors Via Technology. Here are a few of my favorites:
1. Online Gifts – Offer donors incentives like a webinar related to your mission or an online Q & A with a “celebrity” from your organization. Consider asking a board member, a famous advocate for your cause, or a prominent member of your community to participate (if Matt Damon is booked).
2. Social Media Shout-Outs – Feature donors on Facebook every week with “Donor of the Week” posts or tweet a personalized thank you every time someone donates a certain amount.
3. Videos and Photos – Show rather than tell! Share pictures on social media, in eNewletters, or e-mail that exhibit your donors’ gifts being put to use. Creating personalized thank you videos on YouTube, Vsnap, or even Snapchat are efficient, personal, and fun. Allowing donors to see the good their gift creates is one of the best ways to keep the bond between your mission and your donors strong.
For more ideas and suggestions thanking donors online, take a look at the full article 11 Ways to Thank Donors Via Technology. For other low-cost ideas, listen to The Chronicle of Philanthropy’s podcast Creative and Low-Cost Ways to Thank Donors.