Just do it: Ax Useless Words!

Need more time? Stop using words you don’t need. That should save you a few minutes initially and many cumulative hours of writing and editing over time. It’s really that easy. Strike that. It’s really easy. See? Like veteran higher education PR pro and former newsman Don Hale, you may learn a lot about bad […]


The Right Annual Report for Your Audience- Part Two

Now that you have read Part One of our post about planning your nonprofit report asked a half a dozen questions helpful for determining the “whys” of your project. Now explore some options on how to execute this project in a way that suits both your purpose and resources. Match the type of project to your needs.


The Right Annual Report for Your Audience – Part One

  Once upon a time, Annual Reports were the envy of nonprofits. Corporations and “big businesses” produced glossy, four-color, photo-laden publications with very official “financials” touting auditors’ endorsement in the back. It seemed an impossible dream for many nonprofits. Then, one day, someone (we are not sure who) invented a web of words and images […]


It’s A Wonderful Life: Lessons for Nonprofits

Who’s a George Bailey? Uncle Billy? Mr. Potter?   The ubiquitous holiday classic “It’s a Wonderful Life” (IAWL) illustrates the twists and turns of fate that could make a nonprofit administrator’s hair turn as white as Mr. Potter’s.   Jack Marshall, who is a lawyer, ethicist and theater founder, says the film is full of […]
