Nonprofit Tip

Getting the Message: #14NTC-Style

UnSelfie Contest

Baltimore Museum of Art

Last week NTEN held its annual Nonprofit Technology Conference, NTC ’14,  in Washington, D.C..  For the better part of three days more than 2,000 self-proclaimed, nonprofit techies-for-good learned, spoke, drank, networked and hashtagged  (hashtag #14NTC) in efforts to embrace technology for uses that will make this a better world.

In addition to a variety of fun events in the “Science Fair” (the exhibit hall of the conference) Third Sector Today welcomed nonprofit attendees to take an UnSelfie at our booth to promote their cause. The person with the most Retweets won a $100 American Express Gift Card.  Congratulations to our winner: Michelle Boardman, from   Baltimore Museum of Art!

What is an UnSelfie, anyway? Basically, One Selfie Minus the Duckface Plus a Cause = UnSelfie. This post provides you with some more background tips for pulling it off on your own. Bottom line: It’s a fun and engaging way to involve crowds at your next event!

Our goal, as a newly launched media title, was to increase our visibility by way of participants’ social media networks. I’m sure that your nonprofit has at least one similar goal!

See if there’s anyone here that you recognize from NTC’14! And please let us know if you’ve tried this and have any more useful tips to share.

















  • Megan Keane

    Hi Amy, thanks for the great post about #14NTC! I love how Third Sector Today took the selfie concept and made it a really interactive activity, as well as one that lets you recognize good causes. I appreciate you sharing your strategy to give other nonprofits an idea of how they might incorporate the unselfie.

    • Amy DeVita

      Thanks for your comment, Megan! We were really inspired by the moves around GivingTuesday and thought the UnSelfie was so fitting for this sector and for #14NTC-and if it brings an end to the duckface all the better! The term is still relatively new-so it did take a little bit of explaining to get people to understand and participate. Prediction: it will be very popular at #15NTC!

    • Amy DeVita

      Hi Megan!

      Apologies for this overdue, reply-but Thank You! Had a great time at #14NTC and got a chance to meet some great people. Love sharing tips-and I’ve been known to experiment with some tools just to share the experience (hosted a Twitter chat, is one that pops into mind!). Keep up the great NTEN work and please keep in touch!