It’s Spring. Time to Tweet and Chat

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We’ve taken a look at Tweet Chats on Twitter here at Third Sector Today (check out Amy Devita’s post), but spring makes all things new again you might want to focus on Twitter opportunities.

Amy reminds us of “a useful glossary of Twitter terminology for everything from @ to ztwitt” from

To boost engagement, consider the Tweet Chat. A chat via Twitter can revolve around a specific #hashtag created by your nonprofit, such as #ThirdSectorToday or #HealthTalk. hosting a tweet chat is a quick and targeted way to spread your nonprofit’s message and engage donors and supporters. Here are some other sources in addition to Third Sector Today’s original post.

Nonprofit Tech for Good shares some strategies from Mobile for Good: A How-To Fundraising Guide for Nonprofits.


“When done well, nonprofits can gain exposure on Twitter, solidify their brand as an expert resource, and increase awareness about the issues they advocate,” according to NP Tech for Good.


Mashable’s HOW TO: Start and Run a Successful Twitter Chat suggests keeping hashtags short because “everyone who participates in the chat will have to use the hashtag with every tweet, so the shorter the tag, the more space they have to write chat messages.”


Timing is everything. Tweet chats typically last an hour or less. Schedule your tweet chat at a time that doesn’t conflict with other tweet chats, especially those with similar topics. “Ask around and make sure there aren’t many other chats at the same time, especially if it’s something that both audiences will be interested in,” says Mashable.


Check out some of the 10 easy steps from NP Tech for Good’s HOW TO: Host a Tweet Chat for Your Nonprofit:


  1. Create a hashtag specifically themed to the topic of the tweet chat.


  1. Schedule the tweet chat at least one month in advance and create a page on your website or blog. Include details like date, time, and topic and highlight your nonprofit’s Twitter username, the tweet chat hashtag, and special guests that will participate in the tweet chat.


  1. Use a tweet chat tool such as Twubs to create branded tweet chat rooms or Storify to chronicle the chat after it’s over.


In addition, encourage attendees to share relevant resources and to upload photos and infographics for a more visual experience and poll them during chats using TwtPoll.


Remember, no event is an end in itself. Your follow-up coverage via your blogs, links in other social media, and, yes, more tweets all contribute to your growing engagement. Keep tweeting!
For more information, check out these great resources in addition to our post on Third Sector Today:


HOW TO: Start and Run a Successful Twitter Chat

HOW TO: Host a Tweet Chat for Your Nonprofit

Mobile for Good: A How-To Fundraising Guide for Nonprofits



Sarah Daxton, Contributor to Third Sector Today

Sarah is a self-proclaimed cat lady, chocoholic, beard enthusiast, and aspiring writer. She is currently a graduate student pursuing a Master of Professional Writing at Chatham University.