Need help constructing your nonprofit’s social media strategy? We are happy to help!
All too often, nonprofits (and for-profits, too!) jump into the social media world of posts and tweets impulsively. While those first retweets or likes might seem incredibly, instantaneously gratifying- they may only be providing your cause a small percentage of the engagement potential. Or, worse yet, a lack of engagement may be misinterpreted as an indication that social media just isn’t right for your organization— when it wasn’t the fault of the channel, but the execution.
Let’s first start with some basics…
The case for using Social Media
1. It’s where people are!
Take a look at this chart, from PewResearch Center, which illustrates the (growing) popularity of social media among US adults.
2. People like to share
And “84% share because it is a way to support causes or issues they care about”. Yeah, that’s you! This inforgraphic is a treasure trove of stats and tips that will support your case for a well thought out social media strategy.
3. People give to charities
According to the study Giving USA 2014, 72% of $335.17 billion donated in 2013 was given by individuals. So, if your organization’s sustainability is reliant upon the gifts of individuals, properly leveraging the right social media channels makes it easier to increase awareness of your cause and keep people engaged with it.
Webinar: Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs and Your Social Media Strategy
Understanding the best use for social media at your nonprofit is a process. It takes time, but a well thought out strategy will engage your donors, volunteers, board members, corporate supporters and positively promote your “brand”.
Maybe you recall learning about Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs back in your high school psychology class? Well, in this on demand webinar, you’re going to see how that journey for self-actualization can be a useful template for your social media strategy. Emily Goodstein, Online Marketing and Social Media Strategist, has great advice in this recorded webinar: Log in and Watch the On-Demand Recording HERE
Next Steps:
If you’re like us, you also enjoy learning from others. Want to see which nonprofits are doing a great job with social media? Our partner site, Top Nonprofits, ranks them here: The Top Nonprofits on Social Media or in terms of specific channels, you might want to review:
Once you have clarified your organization’s needs and how best to meet them with the various (or not!) social media channels, you’ll want to devise a strategy focused on content. Check out this really useful list of 26 Tips to Create a Strong Social Media Content Strategy, from Social Media Examiner
For more details on ideal post and video lengths, best constructs per social media channel- read this article from KissMetrics, The Science Behind What People Love to Share on Social Media
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