Meet Your Fundraising Goals?

We asked…and you told us. Readers of Third Sector Today and elsewhere gave their two cents’ worth earlier this year as participants in a survey from the Nonprofit Research Collaborative (NRC). Results just out show that 73% of responding charities in the U.S. and Canada met their fundraising goals for 2014. That is the best news […]


Ethical Fundraising: Study

Your input can help improve the knowledge and practice of ethical fundraising. Don’t miss your opportunity to continue to build this knowledge base. This link opens a survey being conducted, by Nonprofit Research Collaborative, that will take you less than 15 minutes to complete and will give you an opportunity to win $250! Click HERE […]


Nonprofit Fundraising Research

Research on Fundraising Strategies Proven to Work

As you plan your organization’s next appeal or upcoming campaign, it certainly helps to know what has worked—and what has not worked—for organizations similar to yours. Donors partner with your charity to implement the donor’s visions of a better world. Beyond the aspirational language and demonstration of impact, good fundraising takes metrics and good management […]
