Running Your Most Effective Virtual Meetings

Whether you’re pitching to a corporation across the country, or just having your weekly team meeting while some of your employees are working from home, virtual meetings can either make or break someone’s experience. I’m always impressed when virtual meetings are pulled off without a single hitch. Now let me be clear – I don’t […]


Closing the Nonprofit Sector’s Gender Pay Gap

It’s 2015 and, sadly, in the United States a gender pay gap of 22% still exists. In practically every corner of the workforce, women earn less than men.  While the gap has become smaller over the years, Institute for Women’s Policy Research (IWPR) , a US think tank founded in 1987 and tracks wages with updated fact […]


Improvising in the Nonprofit Workplace

  When people hear the word “improvisation,” some say: “I watched Whose Line is it Anyway on T.V. and thought it was funny!” “I think professional actors do that at Second City in Chicago, like Amy Poehler did.” “Who in their right mind would do that?” What is this ”improvisation” that causes an array of […]


The Mindful Path to Improved Productivity

Breaking that cycle of worry, feeling overwhelmed, and “kvetching” about work is possible with just a little focus now and then. A little intentional mindfulness can go a long way towards gaining improved productivity says David Gelles, author of Mindful Work: How Meditation is Changing Business from the Inside Out. In Corporation’s Newest Productivity Hack: […]


Choosing the Right Candidate

Interviews are just as nerve-racking for the interviewer as they are for the interviewee. The interviewer must listen carefully, in hopes of not just filling a position, but choosing the right candidate for the job. A resume will only give an employer limited insight into a candidate’s work ethic. But an interview will allow an employer […]


Partner Post

2 Smart Ways to Step Up Your Email Strategy

Did you know that the average person receives 76 email messages per day? If you manage email communications for your organization that means seventy-five other causes/notifications/invitations/Groupon deals/sales pitches/you name it that are competing with you for the “open”. Standing out in this sea of messages is a big challenge for nonprofits. But don’t give up […]


2015 Millennial Impact Report

How to Increase Millennial Impact and Engagement

Findings from The 2015 Millennial Impact Report, released today, provides us with some useful insight into the minds of this sizable demographic which will become tomorrow’s leaders and donors. In addition to summarizing some of the biggest takeaways, this post shares some suggestions on 4 ways your nonprofit can better engage Millennials with your cause. Learn which […]


#3STTNPEvents at TEDxLMU - The Best for Last

When planning an event, there are always struggles with who and what to combine for a perfect “winning” event. There is a precarious balance to finding presenters and entertainment who are both relevant and cohesive, while providing content that is varied enough to intrigue an audience. And on top of all that, you’ve got to […]


8 Easy Facebook Engagement Tools

by James Zackal Is your organization using Facebook but gaining little feedback? While Facebook is a great tool for audience engagement, who doesn’t want to improve feedback? In 8 Ways to Improve Your Facebook Engagement, Social Media Examiner examines ways to keep your audience engaged, informed, and entertained.   Photos & Video Posts with images […]
