Nonprofit Tip

Are long-term nonprofit projects like giving birth or running a marathon?

We Must Be Our Own Midwife Sometimes projects are fun, especially short ones. Everything goes smoothly and wrapping them up is a breeze. With short projects everything is new and exciting. We can easily see the finish line and with a little effort we can sail over it easily. Longer projects are a different story. […]


Voices from the Third Sector

Leadership: Multi-tasking while staying focused

Introducing our featured Executive Director for this month: Karen Gager, Executive Director at HeadsUp in Rhode Island. Here Karen shares some advice relative to common struggles cited by many of our readers: limited financial and human resources. We think you’ll relate to Karen’s challenges and hope you’ll be able to benefit from her tips on how to think […]


Five Minute Interview

Best Advice: Trust your gut

Recently, Third Sector Today had the pleasure of meeting up with Jane Weaver, Interim Executive Director of Alzheimer’s Association of Western Carolina. Prior to joining Alzheimer’s, Jane also held executive posts at National Kidney Foundation and The Leukemia & Lymphoma Society. The eldest of seven siblings, a mother, a wife, professional experience in hospitality and nonprofit—yes, she admits, she […]
