This story was originally published on ; written by Mark Naymik. ASIDE: At last month’s NTEN’s Leading Change Summit, one of the plenaries prompted a discussion about what technology we would invent to increase impact. The general consensus was that “an increased ability to be where people in need are.” Although not of the High-Tech variety, this story is […]
ReadPosts In Category: Inspiration
The Essence of Sports Philanthropy
There’s been so much attention focused on the negative actions of a few athletes lately, that it seemed a good time to bring focus to those who do good, and illustrate how sports philanthropy can have impact. Additionally, it provides a great lesson to any type or size nonprofit who is interested in finding a […]
ReadTop Benefits of Working for a Nonprofit
As children, we are told we should shoot for the stars and that we can be anything we want when we grow up. Sometimes our dreams lead us to the nonprofit world. Nonprofits can get a bad rap. Fewer resources, below average salaries, and understaffed environments are some common gripes. But let’s not lose sight […]
ReadWin a $100 Donation: Look Ma, No Ice!
Announcing: #3STPushUpChallenge Visit our Facebook Page to find out how you can win a $100 donation from Third Sector Today-and hopefully also inspire you to create a challenge that will get your donors sharing with their social networks. Determined to Develop is an organization that provides “programs supporting education, orphan care, women’s empowerment, health and the environment… in Africa […]
ReadNonprofit Partner Post
The Haitian Entrepreneur: Micro-Enterprise
We tend to view the world through the filter of our own prism. Oftentimes, people in developed nations tend to look at their own work and sometimes forget there are experts in developing nations working to make a difference for themselves and others in their local communities. After the major earthquake in Haiti […]
ReadVoices from the Third Sector
Mobilizing An Industry To Fight Hunger
It was just five years ago that I was sitting with my father talking about the family business. It’s a moving business, actually. My great-grandfather started it over 90 years ago here in NJ. While I never wanted to actually run the business myself, I certainly had the “opportunity” to work my share of back-breaking […]
ReadWant to Know How to Best Help Poor People? Just Ask.
Early this month, Tianna Gaines-Turner testified before Paul Ryan’s House Budget Committee during a hearing labeled as a “Progress Report on the War on Poverty.” Gaines-Turner’s testimony was smart, incredibly compelling, and included solid recommendations on fixing problems with our country’s social safety net. Like her counterparts testifying that day and during previous hearings on […]
ReadVoices from the Third Sector
Why Not Do It?
“Why not do it?” replied a Voorhees High School student when asked why he was donating blood. “Something so easy can make a big difference.” That sentiment launched a student-founded and run service organization in the memory of a dear friend who left this world all too soon.
ReadNonprofit Partner Blog
“Human Connection” is the Secret Sauce in Fundraising
The fundraising adage, “people give to people” is alive and well. Here are 7 simple ideas for strengthening donor engagement.
ReadMore than a Millennial
More than a Millennial: Abbie Morneault
I call this series “More than a Millennial.” Profiling Millennials who are doing some really incredible things - young people who ignore all of the flack our generation catches and continue to do incredible things each day to change the world. I begin with the story of Abbie and Determined to Develop.