IT Security

An IT Director’s Guide to Securing Data at Your Nonprofit

This article, written by Spencer Bolles, IT Director of Bay Area Community Resources,  was originally posted on the NTEN Blog on November 6, 2014,   An IT Director’s Guide to Securing Data at Your Nonprofit With annual giving campaigns taking place soon, now is an ideal time for a self-assessment of nonprofit information security and […]


How a Food Truck Serves Needs Where they Exist

This story was originally published on ; written by Mark Naymik. ASIDE: At last month’s NTEN’s Leading Change Summit, one of the plenaries prompted a discussion about what technology we would invent to increase impact. The general consensus was that “an increased ability to be where people in need are.” Although not of the High-Tech variety, this story is […]


Posting Live From

Love Data or Get Left Behind

Day two of NTEN’s Leading Change Summit began with a love story- how Alexandra Samuel, VP of Social Media at Vision Critical (Twitter: @awsamuel) threw words to the wind and harnessed the power of data to tell compelling stories. And, very helpfully, she shared pointers with the ballroom full of nonprofit professionals on the best […]


Posting Live From

Leading Change Summit: Day One

Day one of the NTEN Leading Change Summit (follow on Twitter: #14LCS) began on Wednesday with hundreds of nonprofit professionals gathered to find out how they can leverage technology to become better agents of change. Or, as keynote speaker Deena Pierott, might refer to them: Impact Angels. Pierott, is just that type of “angel.” Founder […]


Voices from the Third Sector

Nonprofit Technology Leveraged for Change

If you’ve spent any amount of time on Third Sector Today, you have seen mentions, references and shout outs to NTEN: The Nonprofit Technology Network. This organization is a membership of nonprofit technology professionals, guided by belief that “…technology allows nonprofits to work with greater social impact. [We] enable [our] members to strategically use technology to […]


Data and resources to enhance your nonprofit’s strategy

NTEN, the Nonprofit Technology Network, is a membership organization for nonprofit technology professionals who hold in common the belief that “technology allows nonprofits to work with greater social impact.” To that end, the organization provides the nonprofit sector with very valuable research and resources. They recently released a benchmark study called, Collected Voices: Data-Informed Nonprofits […]
